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Susan Boyle gained 42.2% of rating on the NHK music gala

>>check also other articles on Susan Boyle

Susan Boyle gained 42.2% of ratings on the NHK music gala, "Kohaku Utagassen" in Japan. It is above the average of 40.8%, so it looks like Susan Boyle contributed to pulling up the average rating.

The highest rating was 50.1%, which a Japanese pop singer group called "Dreams Come True" was singing.

You can watch the NHK music gala on the website called "the NHK On Demand" if you pay, but you cannot watch the part of Susan Boyle there. According to the NHK, they cannot get permission from Susan Boyle side.

Plus, the NHK continuously get rid of her performance video clips on the YouTube so far.

Therefore, her performance in Japan can be the rare one that you can hardly watch.

>>check also other articles on Susan Boyle


« 日本の技術力のPRになったNHK紅白歌合戦 ― 英語サイトをNHKは作るべき | Main | Susan Boyle will visit Japan again in the Spring. »



I'm inclined to agree with ESQ here NHK seem to be missing a great advertising opportunity of getting more global recognition.It seems Susan Boyle's Japanese debut performance is nonexistent now anywhere on the net.NHK have taken everything down that could possibly be taken down from you tube etc.I think this is madness.NHK should be doing what ITV BBC and all of our broadcaster do I mean exposure is a good thing isn't it.From what I can see NHK is one of Japans biggest TV broadcasters too and as for having to get permission to broadcast Subo's appearance on there own network sounds crazy to me as I would have thought that it would have already been given seen as she gave her permission to be on the show.So it would be down to them in the end maybe I have got that wrong though.

I'm glad the ratings where up this year on the show that's cool and I still would like to see the whole show.One other positive note for NHK is there is a new free internet channel which I have just came across jibtv which is pretty darn cool for the likes of me anyway who are genuinely interested in English speaking Japanese programs so I can see whats going on in Japan so yeah that's good.

Anyway I'll stop rambling now lol again thanks ESQ for a well cool blog.

And all hail oor susan.


Posted by: Scott | 01/06/2010 04:08 am


Thank you very much for your agreement on my opinion. I atually posted an article in Japanese by saying that the NHK missed great opportunity to advertise Japan's high visual technology a few days ago.

I have got so many visitors since then. My article is repring on the Livedoor, Japan's one of the biggest portal websites, and it kept as "the article that got most access", so obvously, many people read it.

I also think that the NHK should have done the same thing, just leaving video clips, with ITV and BCC.

Maybe Japanese public media is too shallow to anticipate potential benefits that her video clips are watched by people around the world.

I also guess that the agency of Takuya Kimura, a Japanese actor with red clothes, is probably pushing the NHK to get rid of the videos because its agency has been very strict on their right of publicity. So, it is really unfortunate that she was with her on the same stage...

I am very gald to hear that you are interested in Japan. I did not know about Jibtv. It seems like it's a new related company of the NHK. I cannot watch their programs from Japan though... They prevent people in Japan from watching its show...

I hope that the NHK should be like the ITV and BBC to be more flexible on their copyrights.

Posted by: ESQ | 01/06/2010 07:15 pm

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